Saturday, December 17, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Off to see the Christmas lights

Our journey got off to a little rocky start............

Even on the side of the road, in the bush, boy child manages to find something shaped like a deadly weapon

But it was no match against baby sister

Waiting for the second ferry of the trip. Hurricane Irene gave this dock quite the tilt. Boy child thought it would be fun to bring his bike back here and ramp off it into the sea!

Almost there........

.....and there you have it - traditional and heartfelt.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter Ruffles

With the prevailing wind from the east on shore in winter, the sea puts on her ruffles, a multi tiered petticoat of sorts - soft and playful, lively, soulful......... Yemanja do Bahia.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Take you daughter to work day

Well, not officially but my youngest was sick and I was nanny-less so she came to work with me.

I set her up in the room closest to my office and made her very comfortable.

But what do I know? Apparently THIS is her idea of comfortable!