So the downside of having your 3 year old WIDE awake at 5 a.m is pretty universal. We decided this time to make lemonade.........after all, those lemons were such a bright cheery shade of yellow! So both clad in our nighties we went for a walk, along the waters edge, alone, save for a few dogs and cats. There really are little phosphorous creatures that glow, like moon drops in the water......beautiful. The island wide black out quickly diverted our attention upward to the only light source........what a blanket of stars! Walking became slightly hazardous in dark so we shifted gears and jumped the golf cart. There was actually quite a bit if activity around as people were coming out, despite the early hour, trying to stay cool without the use of their air conditioners and fans. Soldier crabs marching across the road - I love their bravado.......the golf cart, 20 times their size and weight coming toward them, they stop and threaten with their big biter. A mama and her 8 pups. The symphonic hum of generators. Palm trees silhouetted against the brightening sky. The constant squeals and chatter from the three year old. My, my, my...........mighty refreshing and good to the last drop!