I love small planes. I particularly love our local companies that we fly regularly into the capital, a 20 minute flight (unless of course they decide to stop at other airports to do pick ups on the way). They are twin props usually about 16 seats. My kids call them pencil planes. I confess to slight amusement watching first timers expressions as they board (ranges from surprise to shock horror) . One has to crouch down slightly and hunch over and put anything that is over your shoulder in front of you in order to walk down the narrow aisle with a single seat on either side. One of the pilots stands hunched over mid aisle and makes the safety announcements and depending on where you are seated you will get quite up close and personal with the rear seam of his pants as he pivots to return to the cockpit.
With terrorist threats low to none, the cockpit door stays open and you get the literal birds eye view. Flying over our islands is gorgeous - the hues of blue, the dotted islands, the pleasure crafts, the larger marine life, even through oft times scratched and cloudy windows ............ a reminder that you can focus on what's wrong, or see through or past that to the ever present beauty that is everywhere you choose to see it.