I had somehow missed the memo re the monsoon - who knew? It has been raining for well over a week. Combine that with the unfinished road works and 200 year old houses and you have a muddy, leaky mess! The no shoes in the house rule was strictly enforced and we had to use the back entrance to the house due to the new lake that had emerged from all the rain and the varying road heights at the front entrance. Entering through the back meant that you were inevitably covered in mud from two waterlogged, hyper dogs desperate for attention and a good walk. We discovered the very big downside to having a toddler accustomed to being driven to sleep in the evenings.............hard to get comfortable and relax into lalaland when being soaked while driving on the rather open golf cart. But of course, we don't photograph the nightmares, so I give you the after the rain blossoms. x